Sunday, January 17, 2010

Was it the conservatives of his day, that nailed Jesus to the cross?


to the status quo Jesus was a dangerous liberal, he advocated social changeWas it the conservatives of his day, that nailed Jesus to the cross?
Not really. The Romans were imperialists pure and simple. They imposed their 'Pax Romana' (the Peace of Rome) upon every nation they occupied and enforced the letter of the law.

Crucifixion was reserved for non-Roman citizens. One of the advantages of being a Roman Citizen was you were never crucified. Crucifixion was reserved for slaves, criminals, and foreigners. The Spartacus uprising, 60 or 75 years before Jesus, resulted in the crucifixion of over 6,000 slaves.

Jesus and his preachings were considered subversive to the Peace of Rome. Jesus knew this yet continued anyways. He was seen as spreading sedetion and an enemy of the State, and that is how Rome treated him and others.Was it the conservatives of his day, that nailed Jesus to the cross?
Liberals are the family value people. We value single mothers, gay families ALL families. We take care of the weak %26amp; poor. Yes, you have a good point. The conservatives hate everything that people who love their nieighbor care about....can you imagine Jesus running to the store to buy up all the guns he could? Can you imagine Jesus recieveing loaves %26amp; fish %26amp; saying no to that stimulus, allowing his people to starve?
Are you saying Obama is the Messiah?


EDIT -- Jesus was accused of opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar and calling himself a king. Not paying taxes was a capital offense -- but in truth, Jesus had at one point asked a Tax Collector to resign. Pilate believed Jesus to be innocent of all charges however Jewish leaders claimed that he called himself ';King of the Jews'; which was a capital offense. So it was in fact mob rule -- or Democracy -- that sentenced Jesus to crucifixion. Pilate just gave the final order.
Yes. Jesus was out there creating quite a stink. You know, being kind to prostitutes and tax collectors and washing the feet of beggars, and the like.

Pontius Pilate most certainly could not have some long-haired radical freak disturbing the natural order of things. Let this go on long enough, and the peasants may actually begin to think they were real people.

And where would THAT lead, for God's sake?
Hmm.... It doesn't matter, now does it. Separation of Church and State... Jesus does not subscribe to any political ideology... and if anyone believes that then they need to read the New Testament again.
Yup Jesus was a liberal hippie, and the Romans were the Neocons of the day... thinking they should spread the great Roman influence throughout the world, just like the Neocons started w/ Iraq
Yes! He was Jewish, a revolutionary, challenged the 'church', spent his time with prostitutes, murderers, tax collectors, had long hair %26amp; wore sandals.......sounds like it.
It had to be liberals that nailed him to the cross, remember Jesus is all about FAMILY VALUES
Yes, they try to destroy anything that threatens their hold on power and wealth.
AND they spared the REAL criminal!

Typical Con behavior.
Oooo...someones got more than one account!
What the heck are you talking about?
that it was
no. it was the unwashed liberals

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