Sunday, January 17, 2010

When Lord Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross and experiencing agonizing pain and suffering?

where were the people whom he helped and healed? Why did they not bothered to rescue him?When Lord Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross and experiencing agonizing pain and suffering?
.......just like St. Peter .....who ,even whenforetold, denied his beloved saviour three times , as the cock crowed.People were scared for their lives.Not just a death, but a brutal beating,dehydration,painful spike piercings through the VERY sensitive areas filled with nerve endings,hands and feet,and ultimately a slow death of suffocation becausae the lungs were smashed and couldn't continue to struggle to fill with air, then there was the humiliation of nudity, hunger, and spear prodding by the armed guards near the cross I am sure they were they were the scariest of professional torture experts.Where were the people Christ helped?......Or possibly the fate of being fed to the lions for being a Christian , swayed the courage of these people.Going up against the Roman Empire would surely have been a daunting idea.....wait till people can not feed their children because they can not buy ,sell or trade without the mark of the beast.Even though many will know their destiny if they take the mark, their physical bodies in hunger ,they will fold .We are all those poor souls were.....I am sure 99% of us would do the same thing if confronted with a similar situation today........When Lord Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross and experiencing agonizing pain and suffering?
Well, pretty much the deal was what he did was selfless and the people whom were not holy (meaning sinless) as Jesus was, were selfish and not willing to risk their own hides to save the one who healed and helped them in their time of need
Because Jesus was brought to Earth to save us of our sins. It was all apart of Gods plan abd it worked out.
His own disciples denied him! The Jews believed (as many do to this day) that Messiah was/is going to set up an earthly kingdom. They were all in shock when he was arrested and crucified, they never expected it.
because the Romans were totalitarians and had the strongest army base ever; so those poor people couldn't take any action to counter Christ's Crucifixion at all. so, they were scared for their lives already to go against Caesar.
Maybe the fact that he was guarded by real soilders and they were poor. OR! Its not like the news today where you can look at tv and go oh looks what is happening! Lets go!
Why did He need rescuing?? He Gave His Life for us!!
His mother gave Him some water.

that was His purpose. either they knew that and or didn't and ridiculed him (like the roman soldiers did).
If they were still alive and in the area, maybe they were afraid just as His own disciples were. Also the poor and infirm had even less power then than they do now. His own mother was there and could do nothing but watch. Christ knew He had to make that sacrifice. It is up to us to make the sacrifice not be in vain.
The priests and the Romans pulled a big deceit !!!

At night they captured Him so as not to incure the wrath of the people !!! About 5 days earlier the crowds honored Jesus on the day we call Palm Sunday !!!

The trial would have freed Jesus, but Barabus won the day !!!

The priests had shills in the audiunce to denounce Jesus !!!

The tendency is to blame all Jews for this and that is wrong !!!

It requires a very careful reading of the gospels to capture the events of that day !!!鈥?/a>
I am not sure since their was so many people against him I think they were afraid that they would be nailed to the cross too
they were scared of the crazy mob and didnt want to get killed either. Cuz people suck and we really only think of ourselves when it comes right down to it. Even if it means saving the son of God.
hey,even some of his diciples and mother were there.They could do nothing but watch and cry.The roman soldiers would have killed them if they had tried anything.God chose to go to the cross!It was nessisary.
They were scattered around, but mainly scared to do anything. He was an outcast according to roman and jewish law. would many really fight that and end up exactly where he was. also he was god. they expected him to help himself.
they knew y he was there and that he had to do what his father sent him to do
if i remember correctly, he told them not to help them that the people who persecuted him would have to learn themselves from his suffering that they we're wrong, and consequently asked god along the lines of ';do not be angry, they know not what the've done';

its all a crock though
For one he was nailed to a stake.The reason for his death was to forgive us in sin perfect he took the place of Adam who was perfect until he sinned.
ticd has the right answer also they were afraid for their lives to come forward.
They would have been killed if they tried to rescue Him. And, Jesus would not have allowed it to happen. He knew that He had to die. It was the only way for us to see Heaven. Jesus could have commanded a thousand angels descend from Heaven and put a stop to the crucifixion, but He diddn't because the only thing on His mind when He was hanging on that cross was...YOU!
He knew he was destined to do this and so did all his followers. He had told them he had to do this and they couldn't stop it. No one could have.
Same reason you would not stand up in an ensuing riot and fight against the guards and rioters.
horrified I would say, watching as he was marched up the hill to Calvary, he received a sentence like if we today was sentenced to the gas chamber.

they really could do nothing but watch a innocent person be tormented and murdered.
They didn't see the ';Breaking News'; on TV.

So they couldn't catch the bus to get there in time.

It was probably cordoned off with crime-scene tape anyway.
cuz the jews were realy too powerful even in those days.
I think the majority of them were scared to death that they would be next and remember at that time they did not know about the Resurrection. I've often wondered where I would have been---we just really don't know until it happens.
Jesus was meant to die for our sins
it had to be that way...or we would have all perished...
Because the law is the law. Can we stop the law from giving the death to someone here in our days? No, we can't. There were people who tried to help Jesus but most of the time governments are evil, and they don't care what anyone else wants.

Just tell me if it works when you try to save someone from the death penalty in the US. We'll see if it gets you anywhere.
Here's another one for you - since he was able to heal the dead, blind, and sexually impotent why didn't he just heal himself as the Romans were beating him up and crucifying him?
Four Reasons I think may apply.

1) To pay for our sins as prophesied in Isaiah 53

5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,

he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,

and by his wounds we are healed.

6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,

each of us has turned to his own way;

and the LORD has laid on him

the iniquity of us all.

2) One of the disciples tried to and cut off a mans ear and Jesus promptly told him not to and healed the man.

Luke 22

50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear.

3) They were faced with Roman soldiers that were the best trained and best armed army at the time. Attacking them with stick and rocks would have been suicide. 40 years later they burned the entire city to the ground even a couple hundred armed men would have been massacred!

4) Perhaps they were still waiting for the earthly kingdom, they didn't seem to believe even when told by the women he had rose again. Only when he was right there in front of them did they believe.

Luke 24

11But they did not believe the women, because their words seemed to them like nonsense

Without the knowledge of the resurrection...Would you have been any braver? I can't say I would have been... I would like to think so, but probably not.

Because it was just a dream

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